Our Safe Viewing Procedure
By lucmin on 8th June 2020

Our Safe Viewing Procedure
A message to our clients (current & future)…
In light of the relaxed lock-down rules for the property market, now we’ve had time to digest, I wanted to explain our plan to keep everyone as safe as possible and get you moved.
There will be 2 parts:
- Virtual Video Viewings
- Proceedable ViewingsOnly for Now
The coronavirus hasn’t gone away. As such we will need to remain very Covid-19 alert but we do have a plan.
Phase 1: Virtual Video Viewings
We are beavering away with our suppliers to have every property ‘Virtually Toured’ (your agent may have already been in touch with you about this).
This will enable our team to carry out ‘Virtual Video Viewings’ as an initial step and so reducing the number of physical viewings.
It’s likely the “I didn’t realise the garden was so overlooked” feedback will be solved by a Virtual Viewing. They will be similar to the WhatsApp/Zoom Live viewings we’ve been doing but they will not require the seller to be present and the viewer can invite family members from other households onto the Virtual Viewing.
My expectation is that from, say, 4 Viewing requests & 4 virtual viewings, only 2 physical viewings will go ahead.
The Virtual Tours will also be a great solution for potential buyers who are still isolating &/or are worried about leaving home. I also feel consumer habits are going to change after this so virtual tours with live video chat are a must in property marketing now in my view.
Phase 2: Proceedable Viewings Only
If after a virtual viewing with our agent, the potential buyer is still keen to view & in a ‘proceedable’ position i.e. their current property under offer or nothing to sell, we will arrange a physical viewing in line with our Social Distance Viewing procedures.
Will will review the ‘Proceedable Viewing Only’ rule in a couple of weeks and will discuss with you directly.
IMPORTANT: Occupiers are advised to ensure all personal/valuable belongings are out of site and safely secured away as due to the 2 meter rule, the Move representative will be unable to go into every room with the viewer.
IMPORTANT: If anyone in your property develops Covid-19 related symptoms, please let us know immediately so we can pause viewings on your property.
Please be assured we will always place both yours and our colleagues’ health and welfare above all other considerations and I hope that we can rely on your support as we discover the ‘new normal’.
If you have any queries then do please give me or your agent a call or drop me an email.
All the best
Georgia Wallice & Simon Thompson
Branch Managers